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Thread: Gamo GX250

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Deal, Kent

    Gamo GX250


    Like many, times have changed and purse strings are tighter, money was very tight with new lesser paid job etc so the hw100s, s510s and god knows what else were all sold. When things stabilised a bit I got myself a Gamo Phox in .22, it's been good, accounted for all sorts of vermin but took some work to get it accurate, biggest bug bear was the bsa .22 magazine, always had fliers no matter what pellet, changed it to a Bob P, single shot loader and instantly got the accuracy I needed, good, accurate, little gun now, gauge has never worked though!🙄

    Anyway, needed a .177 for more pest control, looked at similar priced rifles, Turkish options, rm8 etc...didn't specifically want another gamo, and not liking bsa lately for a parts issue that left another gun useless, so with with some reservations, I bought a second hand .177 Gamo GX250 for about 200 quid in vgc with magazine and fill adaptor.

    Prep time... cleaned the whole rifle, especially the barrel. did the trigger mod with longer 2nd stage screw, safe and crisp now, barrel band off, cleaned trigger out etc etc. Result is it's accurate, properly accurate..even with the bsa magazine. Didn't like JSB pellets though but loved h and n and bisley magnums which I settled for. 5 shots all with in the 5p at thirty yds, time after time. I only ever fill them to 200bar then down to 110/120 bar.

    Quite simply , these rifles must represent the best value for money in recent times, not sure about the kits mind, my Phox one was crap but the rifles once sorted are excellent. stocks are plastic but ergonomic, functional and take a good knock. As you'd expect, barrels are very good. magazines vary I guess, my .22 ones, both are pants, .177 one seems fine so far. Rifle air gauges are useless, GX one seems newer design and actually works. Rifle is very quiet with a decent silencer on. The GX has slightly better balance too due to the bit more weight forward. The Gamo CAT trigger, once sorted is excellent too, just make sure it's plenty safe enough for field work, loads.of.advice and videos how to do it, hopefully the GX will earn it's keep .

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2021
    Good review, whats the bolt cocking effort like on these?, the only thing i don't like about my Ultra SE is the stiff bolt.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Sunny Sussex Lewes
    I know this is an old thread, but I've had same problems with .22 BSA magazines. Luckily I noticed one of the bad mags was moving in the action when loading the pellet. So I used my Dremel with a small diabalo shaped stone to widen the hole in the metal back plate slightly at the top. This cured the problem I'd had with my magazines.

    Your review is very good and I agree with you that these BSA made Gamo PCPs are a real bargain.

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