I reassembled it after giving the loctite two days to cure. The 'loctite' was not the genuine article when it came, I fell for another bay vague listing but it seems to have worked.
I set the liner a bit too proud at the breech so filed it 'till it fitted and dressed it up.
I regreased the breech detent a la Tinbum video and it snaps shut with a satisfying clunk now that the liner is the correct length.
The barrel bolt has stopped the lateral barrel wobble that it came with.
I fitted a Welsh willy spring kit and parachute seal which is not over heavy to cock given that the barrel is 60mm shorter.
Now for the but.
It's massively down on power, doing only 280 fps with Marksmans.
When firing it sounds like it's slamming and that will be due to the WW parachute seal being too loose in the cylinder. Conversely my Aussie seal 26mm seal conversion won't even fit in the cylinder.
Remember the cylinder was reamed but he could not get his reamer all the way to the bottom of the compression section.
I wonder whether apart from the seal not working, the piston cannot do it's full stroke.
I shall revert to using the BSA head where the head protrudes further than the seal and am now waiting for a new BS210 seal.
This Meteor piston felt very tight when I opened it (usual seized piston suspects accepted) so it will be interesting to see how it feels now it's been reamed.
I still feel the choke is too tight but I am going to nothing about that yet.