Maybe I am wrong but the name Gamo conjures up a gun at the cheap and cheerful end of the market; this impression being formed many years ago in my mindset and being hard to erase. In contrast, the name BSA conjured up an image of quality and reliability, an image that even now remains largely intact when viewed against other makes. Will my mindset ever change? Not sure but I think I will always think of Gamo as the cheap and cheerful partner of the BSA/Gamo coalition. Maybe this is sad.
Will BSA ever make a springer to challenge HW? I am sure they could but I think they would need to employ some very good marketing to overcome the current impression that HW are the superior brand ... assuming of course that the BSA newcomer was a good one. In these cases, public perception, fuelled by word of mouth, various fora etc can be so important in swaying the public purchasing patterns.
I remember when the Challenger was being lauded as a superb rifle with glowing reviews but somehow it never, as I remember, really took off ... correct me if I am wrong. Was this due to HW competition?
A little time ago I had a Supersport, a rifle I had tended to dismiss for some unknown reason but having got one at auction and 'sorted it' I thought it was superb. Similarly the Superstar ... another impulse auction buy which, after sorting (auction caution applies!) I thought was superb.
So ... could BSA do it? I think so but they would need to take on the opposition head on with regard to function, looks and overall heft of a new model. First impressions count a lot.
Cheers, Phil