As Tony says, a little bit more than a garden gun for sure !
I'm on my fifth having owned and sold two .177 and two .22's in the past. My current 95 is a .177 and I'm confident in saying I prefer that caliber, it preferring JSB Exact RS.
Cant remember what the two ,22's liked, possibly FTT ?
All five have been the early barrel weighted versions which I've a liking for in preference to the latest offerings and the beech factory stocks suit me fine despite being a southpaw !
If I ever felt the need for a "supa-dupa tune of bells n whistles plus furry dice", I may consider a bonny CS stock, otherwise the beech handles are fine.
Scope is a NS Platinum black gloss job which sets off the combo to a treat !
I mostly use it on the range out to 35m but occasionally it comes in very handy for dispatching the odd vermin in the garden !
Last edited by Blackrider; 01-12-2024 at 08:53 PM.
“Let us not dwell on the distance we have fallen short, let us dwell on the distance we have travelled" !