How would a gas-ram devotee convince a springer shooter to convert to the innovative power-plant?
I’m guilty of being rude about gas-rams which is unnecessary as it’s just a personal preference; I don’t like snappy springers either and am having a bit of a time adapting to a Vortek kit in a new rifle I bought.
Anyway, other than ‘give it a go’, what are the persuasive arguments to ‘go gas’?
No twang, can leave it cocked for ages when hunting, no twist, hi preload...
Always looking for any cheap, interesting, knackered "project" guns. Thanks, JB.
Far too many rifles to list now, all mainly British but the odd pesky foreigner has snuck in
Having been lucky enough/stupid enough to fork out for (formerly) IJ’s prototype Webley Omega gas ram recently, I can confirm that it is many many leagues ahead of, well, every springer I’ve ever shot (even though it’s gradually leaked down to 10.5 ft/lbs, so I may be contacting DM80 in due course).
Barely any movement on firing, incredibly quick lock time, exceptionally consistent fps. And definitely no twang…
Only downside is the final stage of cocking takes a bit more grunt than a spring does.
To me, the main advantage would be no twang or twist as mentioned before. And, if set up correctly, quick firing cycle.
The disadvantages would be that quick cycle could be harsh and snappy if the set up wasn't correct, risk of leakage, far less scope to tweak or tune and ram pressure sensitivity to temperature.
NEXT EVENT :- May 17/18, 2025.........BOING!!
The Brocock Independent was a fine looking air-rifle, so much more elegant than the new Meteor Super. Did it have a pin rather than a breech-bolt? I mean it was a re-badged Gamo Meteor 7 type thing but it was definitely a step in the right direction at least styling-wise.
Mainly the lighter piston applying to many of the currently available ones, Al. But some don't like heavier pellets, or pellets with higher start pressure.....
NEXT EVENT :- May 17/18, 2025.........BOING!!
Faster lock time.
I'm more accurate with my Sirocco than with any of my springers & I'm putting it down to lock time, and that's at .25, I'm swapping the barrel for a .22 one for more range
Doncaster Indoor Airgun Range Meet Up Sat 18th Jan 2025.
I found that the recoil was quick, sharp and over with, in no time making the ram very predictable and easier to shoot accurately than a springer from different stances and holds.
Faster lock time than most springers and more consistent. Probably less maintenance required than a springer.
First foray into FT was with a .22 Taunus, FTT and regularly scored low to mid twenties.
All been said above except to say, adjust the mindset really, they're different to springers so go out there and spend a lot of shooting time with them.
I certainly enjoy mine and would never part with them !
“Let us not dwell on the distance we have fallen short, let us dwell on the distance we have travelled" !
yeah, less metal moving around generally... a spring weighs about as much as a piston..
But it is harder to fine tune, although adding dead weight inside increases initial acceleration duringt he firing cycle, and removing reduces it, so some tuning (other than just pressure/power) is possible,. The hw90 inertia weight removal is a good example of this.. cocking effort escalates noticably less during the cocking stroke without the weight, due to the higher cocked ram air volume.
Always looking for any cheap, interesting, knackered "project" guns. Thanks, JB.
Interesting thread. Thinking of getting a gas-ram to see what they are like. Looking at the HW90, any other recommendations? Thanks
Always looking for any cheap, interesting, knackered "project" guns. Thanks, JB.