turrets my up and down are the opposit way around if i want to go up i have to go down ,my left is the same if i want to left i have to go right,and now trying to bring the scope down to get it on target i run out of clicks i hope this makes sense and advice appreciated
you only get one life live it to the best of your ability
Have you got it the right way round? Only joking.
Some German scopes operate that way.
Repariere nicht, was nicht kaputtist.
never had a problem like this before with any scope i will try shimmimg it tomorrow
you only get one life live it to the best of your ability
Clockwise should be down & left, anti-clockwise up & right, as far as I know that's universal to every scope.
What scope/rifle, is it new ? if so take it back if used contact the seller ask them, if a pcp is it fully charged
niko sterling mountmaster it come on a rifle i bought
you only get one life live it to the best of your ability
Had a similar issue with a Mountmaster years back. First one arrived damaged, took a lot of arguments to get it replaced. When it eventually was, the new one behaved like yours. Think I chucked it in a cupboard, probably still there. Funnily enough, had Mountmasters on some s/hand rifles I've bought, & they've been fine.
Can't remember the supplier.
Webley Mk3 x2, Falcon & Junior rifles, HW35x2, AirSporter x2, Gold Star, Meteors x2, Diana 25. SMK B19, Webley Senior, Premier, Hurricane x 2, Tempest, Dan Wesson 8", Crosman 3576, Legends PO8. Kral Puncher K.
yes thats what im doing thanks
you only get one life live it to the best of your ability
give up on this scope
you only get one life live it to the best of your ability
found a interesting thread on you tube that might solve this problem ,but far to windy at the moment to try it out
you only get one life live it to the best of your ability
well a mild day today got my scope all sorted i was about to bin it thanks you tube
you only get one life live it to the best of your ability
What was the solution?
WANTED: Next weeks winning lottery numbers :-)
having turret tops remooved and changed around i did not do it my mate did
you only get one life live it to the best of your ability