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Thread: The Lowest Ebb of Webley

  1. #76
    Hsing-ee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ToniD View Post
    Wasn't it the TSR2?
    Probably. I get it confused with the Triumph ‘sports’ car the TR7 which ought to have been cut up but wasn’t.

  2. #77
    CannonFodder is offline Suffers from deep seated moustache envy
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    Quote Originally Posted by ToniD View Post
    Wasn't it the TSR2?
    Sorry to take this thread off topic again. Years ago Aeroplane or Flypast published a what if the TSR2 had entered service article. Front cover, two TSR2’s climbing vertically out of Lossiemouth in camouflage paint scheme. Tried to find it on the net, no luck yet.

    Both Webley and the TSR2 suffered a similar fate, which has been a crying shame for British industry.

  3. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by CannonFodder View Post
    Sorry to take this thread off topic again. Years ago Aeroplane or Flypast published a what if the TSR2 had entered service article. Front cover, two TSR2’s climbing vertically out of Lossiemouth in camouflage paint scheme. Tried to find it on the net, no luck yet.

    Both Webley and the TSR2 suffered a similar fate, which has been a crying shame for British industry.
    That aircraft was streets ahead of anything the Americans had, quite apart from the Russians, and it met a very mysterious end, with even the blueprints being destroyed. There were activities going on that were not readily apparent and very much to the detriment of this country.


  4. #79
    CannonFodder is offline Suffers from deep seated moustache envy
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    March 2021 issue, available on a certain auction site.

    Anyway, back to Webley!

  5. #80
    look no hands's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CannonFodder View Post
    March 2021 issue, available on a certain auction site.

    Anyway, back to Webley!
    It would be interesting to see what Webley would have been producing now if they hadn't gone under, even better if Venom where still involved, I don't think the Longbow Sidewinders could have been improved upon that much (apart from the little tweaks we all know now),that would have put the wind up AA and HW.
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  6. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hsing-ee View Post
    Probably. I get it confused with the Triumph ‘sports’ car the TR7 which ought to have been cut up but wasn’t.
    The first wasn't too bad with the Sprint engine, the TR8 was really 🩳.
    Sometimes I sits and thinks, sometimes I just sits.

  7. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by look no hands View Post
    It would be interesting to see what Webley would have been producing now if they hadn't gone under, even better if Venom where still involved, I don't think the Longbow Sidewinders could have been improved upon that much (apart from the little tweaks we all know now),that would have put the wind up AA and HW.
    I’ve never understood why Webley/Venom managed to make a production version of the Venom Mach1 trigger (itself an improvement on the Rekord) that was slightly less good (though still very good) than the original Rekord and AA CD.

    The Sidewinder/Xocet needed a (much ) better trigger. Sidewinder with a Rekord quality trigger would have killed the HW95, at least in the U.K., if at the same price point.

    All the springers could have had a more efficient powerplant (I mildly exempt the later Venom short-stroke Tommies) than the 27mm Vulcan legacy internals.

    I would be really interested in seeing Webley’s balance sheets for 1990-2004.

    My personal view is that in that era they made rather good high-end springers that didn’t sell well when the high-end market moved first to HW springers and then to PCPs, and got into the PCP game a bit late, largely (entirely?) with imports that were good, but probably had low profit margins, all the time maintaining a Victorian factory, paying increasing pensions, and so on.

    Bottom line: many businesses provide a very good product or service but still go bust because of circumstances, often outside their control (or, at least, the vision of their management).

  8. #83
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    Victorian buildings were not a problem for Webley. Webley were based in modern buildings.
    Pensions would have been as much a liability for BSA, Gamo, HW and all the other German manufacturers but they are still in business.
    The problems for Webley lay in other issues.

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