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Thread: Pistol trajectory .177

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Scarborough, N Yorks

    Pistol trajectory .177

    Having to sight in a pistol from scratch and the old Chairgun with its detailed trajectories seems not to exist anymore.
    When I can get to hitting a target at 6 yds, what will the approx difference in point of impact be at 10m please?
    Walther CP-2 Match, FAS 604 & Tau 7 target pistols, Smith & Wesson 6" & 4" co2 pistol, Crosman 1377,
    Baikal IZH 53 pistol, Gamo CFX Royal,177, Umarex SA-10 CO2 pistol.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    I think you will need to quote the velocity before a calculated value for the drop can be given. Might just be worth popping a target up at 10m once you are hitting the 6yard one & measure the difference. it takes any other variables out of the calculation.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Scarborough, N Yorks
    Thanks for getting back. I only wanted a very rough figure, as I'm not allowed to shoot in the garden (other half hates guns). Messing around at the range trying to even hit the 6 yard with un adjusted sights, waiting for the others to finish their cards is a bind, then repeating the process for 10m is more so!
    Walther CP-2 Match, FAS 604 & Tau 7 target pistols, Smith & Wesson 6" & 4" co2 pistol, Crosman 1377,
    Baikal IZH 53 pistol, Gamo CFX Royal,177, Umarex SA-10 CO2 pistol.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2017
    Are you using 6yd targets at 6yds? Assuming so, the elevation change should be pretty minimal if your pistol is running at a good velocity (and you're using a light pellet, say 7 grains) as the aiming marks are scaled between the two types of targets.

    I don't adjust signts between 6yd (in the garage) and 10m (at the range) as I use the correct targets for each distance. [Also, when I'm shooting 6yd, my focus is on group size, not score, so I haven't noticed much of a change in POI at 6yd.]

    If you're using 10m targets at 6yd range, that's a different story and you may want to consider grabbing some 6yd targets. If you don't want to buy dedicated 6yd targets, why not draw some scaled down aiming marks (google the diameter at 6yd) on the reverse of a 10m card, for rough sighting in at that closer range.

    Hopefully this is some help and good luck!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Cold, dull & damp here but just fired a few shots at a 6 yard & 10m at a 20mm diameter aiming mark with a .177 pistol, all a bit rushed as the light was starting to go & as I say a bit chilly to hang around.

    Sights set so shooting to point of aim at 6 yards then without changing the sights the impact was 1/2" above the point of aim.

    As an aside pop your 6 yard target on a big piece of paper, old wrapping paper, off cut of wallpaper or some A4 printer paper taped to form a bigger sheet & then you can track the impact & dial in the adjustment to your sights.

    All the best

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    We have been playing with 6 yard targets at the range just recently
    H&N Excite Econ II, 7.4 grain, running at around 500fps, i hold just below the black, maybe a click or two required at most to fine tune but it was holding the black at both distances.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Actually, here you go.....

    This was at 6 yards using a 10m rifle mask on a Meyton, we don't have 6 yard AP setting in the Meyton software yet so ignore the scoring, it was just a couple of quick groups to see if it would work as a couple of our members want to shoot a 6 yard winter league.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Scarborough, N Yorks
    OK guys, many thanks for the replies. Seems that once I can hit on the card near the centre at 6yds, I can go straight to 10m and fine tune. The "problem" is hitting the card in the first place, with a newly mounted sight and no idea where the pellet is going!
    Walther CP-2 Match, FAS 604 & Tau 7 target pistols, Smith & Wesson 6" & 4" co2 pistol, Crosman 1377,
    Baikal IZH 53 pistol, Gamo CFX Royal,177, Umarex SA-10 CO2 pistol.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by derekm View Post
    OK guys, many thanks for the replies. Seems that once I can hit on the card near the centre at 6yds, I can go straight to 10m and fine tune. The "problem" is hitting the card in the first place, with a newly mounted sight and no idea where the pellet is going!
    If you are having difficulty then try shooting at a shorter range & work your way back. I think a big sheet of backing paper to your 6yard target might be the way forward.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2024
    Initially is it worth putting a rest under your forearm or the butt of the pistol grip.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Scarborough, N Yorks
    The wife is away, so I've got onto a target at 5 yards in the garage. (Henpecked? Moi ????) Off to the club tonight and should now be able to get target at 10m.
    Walther CP-2 Match, FAS 604 & Tau 7 target pistols, Smith & Wesson 6" & 4" co2 pistol, Crosman 1377,
    Baikal IZH 53 pistol, Gamo CFX Royal,177, Umarex SA-10 CO2 pistol.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    East Grinstead West Sussex
    Chairgun says with a 6 yd zero at 10yds the pellet will go 05 inch high.

    Assumes 7.5 grn pellet 5.6ft/lbs velocity 580ft/sec and iron sights. With a scope mounted 1.75" above barrel , it's 1" high at 10 yds..

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Scarborough, N Yorks
    Cheers Dave. Already sorted by trial and error, but thanks for coming up with the figures.
    Walther CP-2 Match, FAS 604 & Tau 7 target pistols, Smith & Wesson 6" & 4" co2 pistol, Crosman 1377,
    Baikal IZH 53 pistol, Gamo CFX Royal,177, Umarex SA-10 CO2 pistol.

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