that looks very nice
that looks very nice
you only get one life live it to the best of your ability
Are the Turkish ones very inferior? Is it the build quality, the finish or do they just ‘feel different’ ? I understand they put out more power.
I haven't handled one of them but from the pictures Ive seen they look more crudely finished than the uk made ones. also read reports from owners that they feel rougher to cock and shoot than the uk ones.
Having seen the price Broadway had that up for, I’m glad I got mine when they came out…
People have differing opinions on Turkish Tempests. I have 3 Turkish (Centennial cased ones, one of which was bought off here), and am happy with all of mine.
Maybe they were a bit more hit and miss in terms of QC? Don’t know that for certain as I’ve never shot anyone else’s Turkish one. External finish is on par with the UK ones on mine.
Its my first Turkish tempest although I have plenty of original tempests,to be fair the quality of it is better than i expected after reading other reviews of them, the biggest difference is the effort needed to cock it which is more on par with a mk1 webley pistol so I'm guessing it has a stronger spring,haven't run it over the chrono yet to compare with an original but will do at some point
it would be interesting to see how it chrono'd against the uk made one or ones
I have examples of both the Turkish and the Birmingham made pistols in both calibres and agree that the main difference is the much increased effort needed to cock the Turkish pistols.
I will have dig my Chronograph out and do some testing to see if this equates to increased muzzle velocities.
i have a Turkish 177 tempest in the for sale adds, it shoots between 430fps and 480fps with a 7,6 grain pellet.
Sorry but whichever way you look at it the Turkish 'Webleys' ain't Webleys, they are s*** copies.
Give me an original anytime. The centennial box is quite pretty though, bought one at the time sans pistol now told it would be worth more if it had the cr**** pistol in it(?).
Ah, just an old time traditionalist.
Always ready to buy another Webley pistol and another and . . . .
I would generally agree that the quality and finish of the Turkish Tempests falls well below that of their Birmingham equivalents and they are literally a real pain to cock. I have examples of both and have begrudgingly found the Turkish Tempests to probably be as accurate and powerful as the original, but neither can get anywhere near close to the earlier machined steel pistols.