It’s a BSA Standard 22 made about 1929.
I've been out of the UK for 12 years now, and while I have no regrets, I have a liking for the odd little piece of nostalgia, like orange cover Penguin paperbacks and HP Sauce.
I want a pre-war BSA. It's difficult to get guns out of the UK (my FWB65 and 127 are still there), so I've been scouring local/EU sources. The only one I've come across is this poor, tired looking soul: BSA on Czech auction site. More photos here.
The price is about £230; clearly too high for what it is. It looks far beyond my skills to put it into some kind of presentable condition. Can anyone tell me which model it is?
It’s a BSA Standard 22 made about 1929.
And tbh its not in too bad condition, I have seen things worse than that going for the same money. With bit of tlc it should shoot well. No need to do some big restoration, the patination is fine. A little bit of work with fine wire wool and oil on themetalwork. You can but the missing/replacement screws and the front sight (Protek Supplies will prob post to Czech Rep.).
All the spares for this model are on we post international and can date the gun for you.
Thanks for the replies. I might reconsider then. I know nothing about the mechanics of these rifles - any thoughts on what is going on in this photo? The weird screw thread hanging out, and the trigger at the back of the guard.
hope you get sorted bud
you only get one life live it to the best of your ability