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Thread: Another lubed wad question (sorry)

  1. #16
    Turnup's Avatar
    Turnup is offline Dialling code‎: ‎01344
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    Quote Originally Posted by tacfoley View Post
    Well, Sir, I'd like to say that I'm truly sorry for my 'careful misunderstanding' of your posts. But that would be a lie.

    I'd also like to apologise for causing you offence by my 'deliberate baiting', but I'd be lying there, again.

    I just find the whole thing so deadly serious and mind-numbingly affronting to common-sense that I just have to try and make a little jest out of the whole deal, and with that in mind, my advice to you is to lighten somewhat, and find something real to get offended over, not an old man's attempts to cheer up a dark evening in a lonely land.

    Tac, A few smileys might help to convey your intentions. Can't take it then don't dish it out.

    Simply explaining how thing are does not mean that I support or approve of them. I share your disdain for all this namby pamby nonsense, but I was simply trying to be informative to the OP so he can decide for himself.
    True freedom includes the freedom to make mistakes or do foolish things and bear the consequences.

  2. #17
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    Turnup, I'm sorry that all this dwath got so far that we are at each other's throats. My computer and lap-tops neither see nor post smileys, all being Japanese and working off an an entirely different OS. Only when I use somebody else's set-up do you see a smiley from me. I'll have to think about how to make it more obvious that I'm leg-pulling, not entering into an antagonistic confrontation.

    As anybody here who knows me would tell you, I'm for ALL kinds of shooting - my life membership of the NRA and DCRA alone should tell you that. What I can't stand are what I call the 'grey-cardigan, pipe-smokin' chin strokin' brigade, whose stick-in-the-mud attitude to anything that isn't old and cold style shooting in tin huts on a converted bomb-site.

    The stupidity of rule-makers who know little or nothing about what shooting actually entails it too well-known to belabour here, So let's dwell on the positive facets.


  3. #18
    Turnup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tacfoley View Post
    Turnup, I'm sorry that all this dwath got so far that we are at each other's throats. My computer and lap-tops neither see nor post smileys, all being Japanese and working off an an entirely different OS. Only when I use somebody else's set-up do you see a smiley from me. I'll have to think about how to make it more obvious that I'm leg-pulling, not entering into an antagonistic confrontation.

    As anybody here who knows me would tell you, I'm for ALL kinds of shooting - my life membership of the NRA and DCRA alone should tell you that. What I can't stand are what I call the 'grey-cardigan, pipe-smokin' chin strokin' brigade, whose stick-in-the-mud attitude to anything that isn't old and cold style shooting in tin huts on a converted bomb-site.

    The stupidity of rule-makers who know little or nothing about what shooting actually entails it too well-known to belabour here, So let's dwell on the positive facets.

    You and I go back a little ways, and I know that you have huge experience in the craft, but like you, I just can't resist a chance for a wind up now and again

    WRT emoticons, at he risk of "grandmothers and eggs" etc. you could try the original hand crafted smiley


    [which is the characters "colon" "minus" "right bracket" (tip your head to the left to see the image)]. It's a little bit more effort than a mouse click, but so much more satisfying.

    or frownie :-(

    or Oh! :-O

    or Hmmm :-|

    or cool 8-) [also sunglasses]

    or eek! 8-0

    or big grin :-D

    or poke tongue out :-P

    or wink ;-)

    et ever so very cetera.

    You can probably tell that I am an old fashioned original Usenet type (the early internet, before the WWW, where practically everything was text only). Many modern phones (and some PCs), in a misplaced attempt to be helpful, will automatically replace those characters with an appropriate image which I find less than helpful - we are told that this is progress but somehow, preferring the hand crafted look, I do not see this as such. So much of what we are told is progress not actually better, merely different.
    True freedom includes the freedom to make mistakes or do foolish things and bear the consequences.

  4. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Turnup View Post
    You and I go back a little ways, and I know that you have huge experience in the craft, but like you, I just can't resist a chance for a wind up now and again

    WRT emoticons, at he risk of "grandmothers and eggs" etc. you could try the original hand crafted smiley


    [which is the characters "colon" "minus" "right bracket" (tip your head to the left to see the image)]. It's a little bit more effort than a mouse click, but so much more satisfying.

    or frownie :-(

    or Oh! :-O

    or Hmmm :-|

    or cool 8-) [also sunglasses]

    or eek! 8-0

    or big grin :-D

    or poke tongue out :-P

    or wink ;-)

    et ever so very cetera.

    You can probably tell that I am an old fashioned original Usenet type (the early internet, before the WWW, where practically everything was text only). Many modern phones (and some PCs), in a misplaced attempt to be helpful, will automatically replace those characters with an appropriate image which I find less than helpful - we are told that this is progress but somehow, preferring the hand crafted look, I do not see this as such. So much of what we are told is progress not actually better, merely different.

    Thanks for the emoticons - I DO use them on my own machiens, but all you'd see is a little hollow square, like writing a foreign pictographic language without the programme. the nmy granddaughter uses them on her laptop, but of course, I dare not touch THAT! I worked for eight years in Tokyo and still do occasional work from home, so I'm not about to junk my seriously good PCs and laptops for want of a smiley. ;-)


    That work? How do you see that?


  5. #20
    Turnup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tacfoley View Post
    Thanks for the emoticons - I DO use them on my own machiens, but all you'd see is a little hollow square, like writing a foreign pictographic language without the programme. the nmy granddaughter uses them on her laptop, but of course, I dare not touch THAT! I worked for eight years in Tokyo and still do occasional work from home, so I'm not about to junk my seriously good PCs and laptops for want of a smiley. ;-)


    That work? How do you see that?

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    True freedom includes the freedom to make mistakes or do foolish things and bear the consequences.

  6. #21
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    I went off fibre or felt wads as I became sure they seem to upset the ball at the muzzle. And the range roof has wooden baffles, and sometimes these Wonderful wads were really whacking the wood leaving dents. Heavy, lube-soaked homemade lube-soaked wads reach the target !

    A GREAT article by John L. Fuhring turned me into a Cookie Monster...

    I tried lube cookies instead - a disc of just 50-50 beeswax/trex or whatever your poison is. About 1/8th inch thick. Just set it on top of the powder and squeeze the ball down 'just so' so that you get no air-gap, but don't squash the cookie too much, needs a wee bit of thought for the charge.

    I swear, the improvement in accuracy and reduced fouling has to be seen to be believed. You can shoot without a jam up ALL day even with el-cheapo-fantastico-Kranko BP. Bonus -makes a chainfire impossible imho.

    Still no good for the indoor ranges where lube mess is banned. But do try cookies outdoors, they work.

    Credit -where due, this is John's article:
    The Black-Powder Revival gathers steam..

  7. #22
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    Chainfires don't happen from the front, with flames somehow wrapping themselves out around a swaged-in ball, but from the back, via loose-fitting caps on worn nipples.


  8. #23
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    As above

  9. #24
    Renegade Master is offline They mostly come at night, mostly
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    Thanks for the continued advice. I like the sound of lube cookies, seems like a good solution. Would you use a .44 or .45 case to cut them out?

  10. #25
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    I only ever use wads if using Triple 7 indoors. I don't use a lube either. Real BP and Pyrodex don't need them. My opinion is that they detract from performance.

  11. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by simgre View Post
    I only ever use wads if using Triple 7 indoors. I don't use a lube either. Real BP and Pyrodex don't need them. My opinion is that they detract from performance.
    Ah, but capnball of Oldham disagrees with you 100%. ;-)

    I just go by what Mr Colt, who, you may recall, knew a thing or two about shooting BP handguns, wrote in the instructions he put on every box/case holding his revolvers. If there is any mention there of either grease, or wads, then he's carefully hidden it by disguising it as something else.

    As previously noted, I use E45 on the last cylinder load of the day, to take away most of the crud, and on a guest day, shooting maybe 144 shots, it does just that.


  12. #27
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    Wads and Fillers

    You'll find both wads and filler used all the way to world level in both original and repro revolver competitions. The reasoning (and it's one I share) is that you want the ball to seat just below the chamber mouth to minimise the distance between ball and forcing cone. It seems logical since the speed the lead ball impacts the rifling will have an effect on whether or not lead is stripped from the ball. Imagine shooting a rifle when it's not firmly against the shoulder - it's the difference between a push and a punch.

    Also, at international level, there is a rule that specifically states that cylinders must be sealed before firing. Having the ball close to the chamber mouth means the amount of grease/e45 needed is quite small - there's not much left after the first firing anyway. I agree with the previous poster that it's more likely that a chainfire will be caused by problems at the rear of the cylinder but rules are rules...

    Cleaning the range is a good idea, unburnt powder will quickly aggregate to the point of being dangerous. It's not only that but lead is being vapourised from the back of the ball every time the gun is fired. Don't believe me? Have a look at the firing point end of an indoor range, even a 0.22 range will have a thin layer of grey dust on everything. This stuff will kill you just as surely as being hit by the bullet.

    Still don't believe me? Look at This range (I shot on it before the handgun ban) was a first class facility and was maintained at the public expense. If combustible products can build up to a level where a spark will cause an explosion just imagine what could be happening in our own small community ranges.

    From that on to the sales pitch - the MLAGB stock 44 wads in both 10 and 12mm length. Personally I use Sainsbury's semolina as a filler from a measure set up on my pistol stand and have had some relatively good results in the past. I always specify Sainsburys because it meters well from a flask or powder measure. Some of the other brands are a bit floury and can be inconsistent. If you want wads or accessories, drop me a pm and I'll see what I can do (I'm holding the stock). For what we can get hold of, have a look at
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