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Thread: Weihrauch HW 57 ... Why not more popular??

  1. #1
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    Feb 2016

    Weihrauch HW 57 ... Why not more popular??

    Thinking about getting into one of these which seems like a good alternative to the HW 99 and would address most of the know issues but you hardly ever hear anything of them and they don't seem that popular ... does anybody know why especially as their other under levers are pretty much considered icon would have thought this would have similar stature.

    If anyone happens to of had both be really interested to hear your thoughts on one vs the other.

  2. #2
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    Recently become popular at our club and having tried them all (both calibres) I liked the gun if you get the chance to try one take it I wasn't expecting much and got a very pleasant surprise.

  3. #3
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    Bishop Auckland
    I have seen it described on the website of one of the better know air gun shops saying it is possibly the worst gun Weihrauch have ever made (but still better than most guns on the market), It also states it has an unreliable pop up breech for sloppy inconsistent loading and that you can't fit a silencer. That said though I have never seen one in the flesh so that is the opinion of someone in the trade, not mine

  4. #4
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    Ulrome Driffield
    Quote Originally Posted by ken69 View Post
    I have seen it described on the website of one of the better know air gun shops saying it is possibly the worst gun Weihrauch have ever made (but still better than most guns on the market), It also states it has an unreliable pop up breech for sloppy inconsistent loading and that you can't fit a silencer. That said though I have never seen one in the flesh so that is the opinion of someone in the trade, not mine
    I read somewhere, might have been here, that the comments on that particular website were out of date and the shop intended to put things right. All in view of HW making changes to the design of the loading gate.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Portzy View Post
    I read somewhere, might have been here, that the comments on that particular website were out of date and the shop intended to put things right. All in view of HW making changes to the design of the loading gate.
    Do you know if the changes have been made or are planned. I must admit I quite fancied one myself but the comments put me off

  6. #6
    Unframed Dave's Avatar
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    I shoot one now and again. I like it's quirkiness and it ain't bad, but if wanted to kill something humanely or score on a target, it wouldn't be my first choice of weirauch.

    That said I have a 25, 30, 35, 55, 77, 80, 90, 95, 97, 99 and 100 to chose from.

    Smell my cheese

  7. #7
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    Ulrome Driffield
    Quote Originally Posted by ken69 View Post
    Do you know if the changes have been made or are planned. I must admit I quite fancied one myself but the comments put me off
    As far as I know yes, the improvements have been made. On second thoughts I seem to remember reading the comments in either Gumart or AGW, the loading gate "shaved" the odd pellet but now that's been rectified

    Please don't take this as gospel because I don't have one nor the article to hand so best check when you see one.

    Found it!

  8. #8
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    I covered the Hw57 in Feb/March AGW. I felt it had undeserved bad press, which should be redressed.
    Most of the negativity centres around the breech, which I did not find problematic at all, I think there CAN be problems when it is not shut correctly by something stuck underneath.
    Like all HWs there do like a basic tune. For some reason they do seem a bit louder than the HW99.
    In essence not a rifle to be avoided, but to be embraced, in my humble opinion.
    Last edited by p.j.; 25-09-2018 at 07:05 PM.

  9. #9
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    One of the very few Weihrauchs that I don't own but would certainly consider one in the future. As Pete says, much of the concern centres around the pop-uo gate. But, from what I understand, keep the area clean and unobstructed and a little lube from time to time and all is good?

    Very safe loading arrangement.

    I've only ever had a brief try out with one or two and seem to remember that the firing cycle is pretty much similar to the 99, in other words, very, very nice?
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  10. #10
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    Same old ...same old isn't it ... wish I could try one for a couple of hours and see what I thought but do like the loading system / safety if it works well.

    I watched a couple of videos about them and one said it clipped the end of the pellet if you used long ones but that may be an older pre revised one and just means you have less pellets to choose between to find one that fits.

    I'm guessing the innards and the take down / rebuild are the same as the 99 and the same tuning kit would fit ... if anybody knows off hand??

  11. #11
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    The 57 is a handy little rifle.
    I found mine shot best at between 10 and 10.5 with express in .177 though they easily make full power.
    I can't see why anyone would want to shoot long / heavy pellets on one of these. Its a light rifle and really needs a light pellet to make the most of it and keep the shot cycle nice.

    The new metal breech is no longer a poor fit.
    The breech can be stiff though. You do need to ensure its closed properly before firing.
    Its actuated by the cocking arm and if the post isn't lubed properly it sticks and applies undue load on the cocking arm which then can start bearing heavily on the cylinder and cut some nice tramlines. The cocking link can also be very tight at the joint.
    Both easily sorted.

    The barrel is quite thin and the foresight unit is similar to the 77 and rather unattractive on the 57. No option for a silencer.
    Even at mid 10's they emit quite a crack.

    The stripdown and rebuild procedure is pretty much as the 95/99 though you have the underlever rather than the barrel.
    Delrin kits are available and work well.

    Trigger is the standard rekord unit.

    I think the new price is a little more than it ought to be but decent used examples do pop up cheap.
    B.A.S.C. member

  12. #12
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    I have one! Quite an early one so not sure with the revised gate or not. Assume it is as it’s pretty accurate – certainly more accurate than me!
    Easy to strip - little pre-load so no compressor needed. Fiddly pop out blocks so you need a cut down allen key but apart from that – I was impressed with build quality.
    I popped a V-Mach kit in which worked well. The pop up breech makes them a bit pellet fussy as mentioned (HN FTT work well). Keep power down to 10.5-11 in .22 and it’s very nice to shoot.
    Get the loading sequence right or you WILL fire I with the breech still up (cock, replace underlever to closed position – insert pellet – close breech). Other good mod is Rowan set back trigger – but that’s a usual HW mod as far as I know on other HW models.
    No galling issues. Yes, it is loud. No you can’t fit a silencer. Sadly no aftermarket stocks (AFAIK). Cheap.
    Basically a really good fun gun.
    Don’t use it for hunting but then I have a pcp for that

  13. #13
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  14. #14
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    I had an HW57 in .177 - it was a nice size and weight and, it shouldered nice. I really wanted to like it.

    Mine had the metal pop up breech that, to be honest, could have been smoother to operate.
    There's some little plastic bit in the stock, under the linkage, that seems to have been put there as a bodge.
    It was probably THE noisiest springer I've ever shot.
    And, don't get me started on those bloody tiles.

    Honestly, I was glad to see the back of it and, I won't have another.

    The impression that I got from it was that it could have been such a good lightweight rifle but, there's too many little things that all add up to go against it.

    Give me a 99 or a 30 over a 57 any day.

    All of the above.

  15. #15
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    There's some little plastic bit in the stock, under the linkage, that seems to have been put there as a bodge.

    Not really a bodge. The articulated linkage can go either way - taking the action out of the stock proves this easily - so it's just a guide to ensure it goes the right way. Otherwise it would dig itself into the wood. I think that is a trait of all linked cocking arms? The cocking on mine is really smooth so it works!

    I think the problem is an HW one in that I had a 95k. Really looking forward to it. Picked it up in its sealed box. First it was as twangy as twangy can be. Second it was at 12.75. Advice was to leave it cocked for a couple of days...So I really hated the 95 yet it must be a great rifle - when made properly?

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