Ok...following on from some of the comments on a previous thread, it was suggested that an account be set up with JSR so that members could pop in a small donation (say a quid)....9000 members..it would soon add up.

I spoke to Ed and unfortunately he is too busy to set this up and monitor whats going in, so i'm looking for suggestions as to how we can set this up.....i have both a personal and business acct with HSBC so i could ask them how to proceed.

I'm more than willing to set up an account and each week keep posting the amounts coming in, but with everything, it comes down to trust......although please bear in mind i've already put a couple of hundred of my own money(from sales) into the "free rifle combo" fund.

Ideally the BBS members would be able to hand over a combo to a club and then a youngster(in rotation) at every UKAHFT shoot....and i'm sure that most people would agree that a quid isn't a lot of money compared to the possibility of so much new blood coming into the sport

Any suggestions gratefully recieved.....see some of you at Shepreth