
OK I give in, bear with me here chaps, I get there eventually

Back when I was 11 or so I finally wore my parents down and convinced them to let me spend my pot washing money on an air rifle. Not an inconsiderable feat bearing in mind my mother is a closet hippy and anything even resembling a gun had been confiscated through my childhood So off we went, my father and I, to George Bates in Brum who promptly did a proper job by flogging me a rifle/scope combo that was twice the size and twice the cost than was suitable on the basis, I think, that I'd grow into it and pater isn't short of a bob.

The rifle? A BSA Mercury.... bliss and a large garden & farm to plink away to my hearts content whilst hatching dastardly plans for the local municipal park's duck population (I was 11 I didn't know any better OK!)

3 weeks later some effing sod broke into the house and nicked it (amongst other things) and that was it, my mother decided somehow or other that this was fate and no more guns at least until I buggered off to Uni and immediately blew a chunk of my grant on a mail order Mk1 Supersport from Burgers

So to cut a very pointless story short I have recently picked up a mid 80's period scope and so now want a mid 80's Mercury to pair it with. Does have to be a "S" but doesn't have to be walnut (although it would be nice). Does have to be 0.177", doesn't have to be perfect but no rust please.

What you got guys? PM/mail me and help a boyhood memory rise from the ashes