I got home a little after seven, it would have been earlier but rosie has force fed me two gallons of tea and I had to stop twice on the way home for a wee wee

The back wall exterior is completed as Pete has already said, it brought a few problems for us as the downpipes for the guttering was set back to where the new wall would be so we had to design and build rebates for the down pipes to fit into, it took a little extra time but we overcame the problem and it ended up quite neat. We finished the wall around 4.30/5.00 after working in the rain for hours, I almost packed up at one point to leave it for the next day as it was difficult working outside and my tools were getting very wet, however we persevered and got it completed, along with making new fascias and soffits.

Sunday was taken up ply lining the interior of the walls, as the other Men continued to fit the insulation. Graham did a sterling job of making a frech drain so the new back wall doen't sit in standing water, the man is a machine, well done Graham!

The fun and games began around seven, after we had ate and I won the pistol competition I began to demolish a case of beer, we moved over to the dorms to find 120 young people ( lots of pretty girlies and boys for Kieran. )

I managed to steal the worlds Gayest baseball cap, I'm sure Pete will show you the photo ( there may be other photos, memory is a bit faded as I drank 18 bottles of carlberg and a fair bit of Richards wine )

Lots of things happened that night, most of which is very vague, I'm sure the others will fill you in, especially the girl ( loose term ) with the hands tattooed on her derrière

Pete is officially a southern pansy as instead of drinking the 15 cans of stella he brought along, he sold the majority of them to the group of youngsters

He did make a profit however but at only a pound a can, I sold one bottle for €2 but imagine my surprise in the morning when I discovered it was in fact £2

After only 5 hours sleep I was slighty not with it in the morning but by 10 I was back to normal, cos I'm a tough Northern drinker, eh Pete?

You missed a cracking weekend lads, you really ought to try and make it to the next one.

A few pics;


Pete's mastick man who will forever be on the back wall of the range.


I would like to thank everyone for their attendance and hard work, thank you for giving up your time, it is very much appreciated.

Thanks also to Rosie and Keith for keeping us fed and watered.

See you on the 6th of December.
