You better

Been practicing every day I can with my new Morini, fabulous gun it really is, so smooth and accurate (well in a pros hands )

I've been shooting in my back garden when I ranged at 15yds with my FT rifle, so today measured out 10m exactly and started shooting from there. Rested the pistol on a camera tripod to get some resembalance of zero and then shot a few cards, 10 shots at each.

This was my last card (not using the tripod) and I moved the balance weights further out. Pretty chuffed I have to say, off down to the club for the 1st time tonight so i'll see how I go down there.

Pic here :

If you look below the left hand 8 you can see where a rebound from my pellet catcher whizzed past my head . I have to cut the cards down to fit my catcher but i've ordered a proper size one. I'm also waiting on a new grip as this one is too small really, my hands need XL and this is only a medium.