I got involved in a conversation at work, yesterday, involving airguns, and one of the chaps I work with reckoned when he was a lad, he used to own "a Webley air rifle with two barrels - .177 and .22". Being the only shooter in our department, I was naturally expected to be the font of all knowledge in such matters ( - they don't know me that well), but I can honestly say that I've never heard of such a Webley. I must also add that I'm far from knowledgable about pre-1970s airguns! My question is this - was there one, and what was it called? (Alright, TWO questions!).

I proceeded to bore them with how spring/piston airguns are dedicated in their manufacture to a certain calibre, and that to simply switch barrels would offer a fairly variable performance, blah, blah...but I suppose pretty much anything went when airguns were in their youth?

Can any of you airgun nerds answer this one, please?

