Only just spotted this thread ... so have to add a huge WELL DONE to 'my' juniors from Swallows FTC.

ALL 3 of them able to enter the Worlds - ages 10 to 14 (just) shot their socks off, achieving in relative terms just as much individually as the extraordinary new junior World Champ.

Youngest Josh, for example, started shooting just over a year ago and struggles more than a bit with standing shots using his ginb stocked S200 (which he's only had since Christmas). At Kelmarsh he shot a personal best (46) by 4 points on the wet Sunday and then went and beat it again, by yet another 2 points on Monday afternoon. Stunning !!

Josh's older sister and brother Beth (12) and Jack, also shot brilliantly.

I'm tear-jerkingly proud of them all.

Roll on 2010, when brother Dan will - I hope - be joining them. He missed this year's age limit by just a couple of month.

My own performance was not up to scratch, but any hint of misgiving was completely wiped out by the enjoyment of seeing the juniors do so well.

Cannot complete this post without a final BIG THANKS to the kids parents - Charlie and Tracy. Not sure they had any idea what they were letting themselves in for when introducing the kids to our club. Since which they've ensured that their children have attended every one of the 10 rounds of the Sussex Interclub HFT and ended up winning the 'parents of the year' award. They're the best !!
