Well, technically, the Diana Mod.2 .177 pistol was my Dad's so it's been in the family for longer than I can remember, the Daisy 722 .22 pistol was an uncle's now mine, the LG 527 .22 rifle was my first Airgun and is currently at some relatives home to deal with rabbits. All of these came about before a wrist injury stopped me from shooting for about 16 years.

Now working in a gun shop for the last 10 1/2 years doesn't help and taking up shooting again to help out with my relative's rabbit problem (and get over a breakup) was also due to a tax rebate. First new gun after my return was my Webley Longbow Special Edition .22. I bought an Airmagnum for ratting (plastic stock to scratch up). A taste of HFT led to buying an S200. A few niggling things about it (fiddly small pellet tray and low shot count amongst other things) led to me recently buying an S400 Carbine and I'm happy with that....... For the time being.

Oh, and the Colt Tactical for a bit of IPAS.