Here is one for discussion, that I have been thinking about for a while.

Valuation threads are quite common on here at the moment, as people seem to be moving on a few of the surplus guns in their respective collections, and turning them into money. The recession seems to be biting deeper at the moment, and I guess people are being forced to sell some guns to realise their assets.

I for one regularly respond to these threads, giving people the benefit of my 25 years or so, of collecting experience. That experience is hard won over many years, scouring the auctions, mags and for sale columns,constantly watching for trends in current values on a regular basis etc etc etc.

However, lately I have been thinking that maybe I am shooting myself in the foot, by replying to these threads.

By replying, I am basically giving knowledge to sellers, which in turn may be ultimately encouraging them to sell at a higher price than they otherwise would have done? This is obviously to the detriment of other collectors on the lookout for a bargain ( ie some sap, who doesnt realise the value of what they have..)

An example of this is.

Bloke has a Meteor Mk1 which he wants to sell. He has no idea what it is worth, and maybe would have been happy with £50. I tell him it is worth £85 + post. He is very happy thankyou, and maybe sells for £85 + post.
The collectors forum is watched by non-members. All of a sudden, all Mk1 Meteors are worth " at least £85, because I read about it on the BBS"

Net result,(1) every potential seller is now armed with the knowledge that the Mk1 Meteor is worth at least £85, and (2)there are no more Bargain Mk1 Meteors to be had anywhere. finally (3) I get hate mail for educating the otherwise clueless airgun selling public, about what their guns are worth.

What does everybody else think about this, as I am sure we agree that it is good to help others, but not if it make your own future collecting aspirations harder to achieve.

I would be interested in your thoughs Ladies and gentlemen, as I am not sure what the answer is........

Yours in collecting.. and finding the odd bargain......


PS, It is surely no coincidence, that most of the really big collectors of classic airguns in this country, do not reply to valuation threads, even though they know their worth only too well?????