Hi, I have a Haenel 300 in the workshop for a chap at work. It was his Uncles, a chap who unfortunately drank himself blind, then dead, so this gun has sentimental value.
It really should be scrapped. I've never seen an air rifle in such bad shape, the compression chamber must have had sand or such like in it at some time. I've done a lot of work on it, even had to drill the barrel joint holes out and sleeve a new screw up to allow for this.
It obviously will never be original and probably never could have been again, but, all he wants is for it to work and look tidy so he can remember his uncle using it.

Anyway, the reason for the post is, does anyone have a rear sight assembly for one of these, Chambers are out of stock. An old damaged one would do, I could then make a copy probably (what's another few unpaid hours in the workshop, it's taken loads already )
