....Great day, that sunshine was lovely! (somebody left a glove behind i have it)
Well the scores on the doors are.......

1) Jon Fairman..51 (great shooting Without losing your 6 points...57!)

2) Terry Aiken..50 (Well done Terry 2nd place eh!....we are not worthy!)

3) Chris Gent..49 (dik)

4) Nigel Tostevin..48

5) Charles Peal..47

5) Mike Byford..47

6) Steve Light..46

7) Bob Pattenden..44

7) Spencer Fairman..44

7) Bill Hooton..44

8) John Herbert..43

9) Pete Thompson..41

10) Graeme Cargan..37

11) Jacob Holmes..34

12) Les Gunter..26 (All Standing)
John turnbull DNF

Well i do hope you all enjoyed it as much as i did.
My Springer is spot on now, just need to learn to shoot!!

I think it is fair to say that it was a particularly tough course, with enough wind to confuse you, 'Which way to aim off' on nearly every target!
Thankyou for your help and your company!
Mike..AKA Handsome Spongey!...

See you next week for SIHFT!