Good afternoon! I've just bought a nice condition Mk2 .22 Airsporter and was wondering what the more experienced on here use pellet wise as I've not owned a .22 in nearly 30 years. I have an encyclopaedic collection of .177 pellets for everything else I shoot and would rather not go through the same exercise in .22 to find what a single gun likes to digest!

I recently tried a friend's Mk3 with his pellet selection through my chrono and there was a significant difference in performance. RWS Hobby were putting out 8.3 with 13ft/s variation, Webley (remarkably low)Powapel made 6.3 with 25 ft/s variation, 5.6mm Wasps produced 9 with 53 ft/s variation and Scalemead Hustlers made 8.3 with an amazing 92 ft/s variation.

I'm inclined to go with the Hobbys in the absence of more info, but would be most interested in any recommendations from you knowledgeable sorts.

Cheers, Tom.