right we could do with as many people off here writing an email to the scouts and oldham council showing there support for us as at this moment in time its looking bleak for our future this is the official club announcement: certain names have been deleted as they are not relevant "RIGHT FOLKS

I had a visit at my home regarding club business yesterday morning with scout official John Woolley.
As you are all aware , over the last few months we had been under attack by the anti gun brigade at the bottom of the lane.

Things have now progressed with a certain person having written a letter to Oldham council, who have in turn now been in direct contact with National headquarters of the scout movement.
John Woolley has recently met with saftey addvisors of the scout Association at the site ,following this meeting and along with scout association guidelines and observations with which John concurs, he has reluctantly decided that in the best interest of all concerned to ask the club(R A G C) to suspend all shooting activities at the site with immediate effect and until further notice.
What this means is as from and including Sunday 6th June we will not be able hold our shooting sessions, but have been informed by #### that this does not mean we cannot attend the site, and has asked me to gather as many members to turn up on site and hold talks between ourselves as to our way forward, and convince Oldham council that we are doing every activity by the book as far as safety issue are involved.

You are all aware from our last meeting that I had been approached by Royton police, and it is my intention to keep that appointment as far as is possible and hopefully persuade the Sargent that what we are is a bonafide group of Airgun enthusiasts that just meet to shoot a few steel and paper targets and hone the skills needed to enter HFT & UKAHFT competitions, along with the competitions held by our insurers The National Small bore Rifle Association, which i have just received documentation.
That we are all law abiding citizens, and that we are endevoring to bring the youngster of the scouts and general public alike whom have a interest in airguns together so we can pass on our skills in the safe use and handling of such weapons.

I will keep everyone informed of the progress in this matter and hope to get a speedy resolution from the Scouts district commissioner and Oldham council."

if anyone could spare the time to write an email to the scouts the clubs members would be very grateful as we were gaining ground and progresing very well with a solid membership and we were looking forward to geting into the hft circuit.