Hi to all that came to the club yesterday, for the springer and pistol comp.
We had a great turn out And was very surprised to see J L yesterday ,he popped down to the club from his holiday did the comp springer and pistol and then went back to his holiday destination, now thats loyalty.We had a great turn out considering it is the school holidays. I must say the scores do not reflect the amount of club members we had and guest's. Mainly due to the fact not everyone has a springer and pistol.
A big thank you to Dave cook for the loan of the wh 97 Didn't have time to use it but will do next time.

And a big sorry to Chris he put out the last few targets ,while i p***** about with one of the target strings.

And well done to S-G-L for the food. Done an excellent job.

so here we go the scores.


DAVE J COOK -----------------------------50

JOHN MUNNS ------------------------------50

JAMES LUFF ------------------------------48

LES MARSHALL ------------------------------48

HOWARD TOWLER ---------------------------48

STEVE BURTON ------------------------------47

STAN WATTS -------------------------------46

REECE LORD --------------------------------29 JUNIOR

CONNER BURTON ----------------------------27

Well done to all that took part .

pistol comp

J LUFF -------------------------------- 14 ROP

J MUNNS ------------------------------ 11 ROP

N BROWN ------------------------------10 SO

D COOK -------------------------------- 9 ROP

ANT YATES ---------------------------- 6 ROP

E EASTON ----------------------------- 4 RO

J KING --------------------------------- 4 RO

M LEWIS ------------------------------ 1 RO

MARK L ------------------------------- 1 SO


See you all next shoot 22-8-2010

Tony (boss)