Hello everyone

My name is Matt, I was pretty active on the bbs a few years back, did a bit of rabbiting for a couple years and used to win the odd medal at Shepreth and Lea valley.

I've been away for several reasons, work and being out of the country for two, but I have land now and want to get my old Webley out again.

I'm wondering if any new laws have come in since last a shot? I stopped at about the time the law came out that you could only buy a rifle in person, thus killing mail order.

Also, are Ben Taylor, John Bowkett and Steve Pope still kicking about? I've had rifles from all three in the past, but only I've only my Longbow right now.

I'm thinking of getting a little .22 BSA Ultra to take care of the rabbit problem in the paddock and ease my way back to shooting, I'm rusty as hell!

Have fun all
