I bought an x-five open a couple of months ago after reading on here how good they are

I have thoroughly enjoyed it but not being able to feed it a diet of lead ball started to niggle as steel bb's aren't my favourite ammo.

So I decided to operate

Slide removal and disassembly where unnervingly simple - I took the barrel out and unscrewed the two halves of the breech:


Sure enough the barrel was too restricted for a .177 lead ball to pass, as has been remarked on here before, and there was no real way for me to mod it to

Soooo.... the operation looked like a failure until I decided that I would have a hunt through my spares box.

Soon I had a .177 rifled barrel from an old drozd project in my hands which was only of a slightly larger diameter - less work!

A few chops and a bit of file use later I had this made:


Whilst it was under anaesthetic I lopped off the compensator. Truth be told its purpose is only aesthetic and I always preferred the look of the x-five's front end to the x-five opens but wanted the extra bits inc. adj. sights. If I am honest I may have missed a trick here as with the compensator attached I could have extended the barrel through it - but hey you live and learn!

Completed it last night and couldn't test till this morning...

The operation was a complete success! The mag loads with lead same as with steel, accuracy is great - power test to come but as I have already made myself 2 hours late for work blasting away a few mags I will have to do that later

Anyone else done this already?