So hello all I'm a London shooter had a few rifles and a gammo pistol in the past,just sold the pistol and put the money towards a Airsporter BSA mk7 I believe carbine.
It seems a bit heavy after my Weihrauch hw57 but has a good clean action thanks to the former owner tuning it with a ox or titan spring and relavant seals etc lubed up and greased profficiently.
I had a few 5.5mm threw it then got the wasp 5.6 which seem to do the trick, I found a small allen bolt so yep turned that a bit made the trigger less sensative now it is clearly 2 stage a gentle click then squeeze to fire.
In the garden so far 25/30ft best threeshot group 10p size good therapy as giving up smoking and nice to shoot again all that fresh air!