Hello - I just wanted to introduce myself to the forum. My name is Andy Fisher and I am a newcomer to the world of air rifles having recently purchased a .177 BSA Ultra Multishot. I have been very lucky to have been taken in hand by Roger Moy and the Broadlands club in Blofield who have been very generous with their time and energy as I have taken my first tentative steps into this new field. Needless to say I feel I have landed on my feet!

My wife Suzie has also started shooting and, having soundly beaten me in our first 40 target shoot last weekend (!) has decided that she would also like a rifle! I hope to be able to contribute to this forum as and when I feel I have something worthwhile to say but, in the interim, I intend to read, learn and make the best of the collective wisdom of this community so thanks to all of you ahead of time