A report in the Bimingham Post today says that the Gun Quarter is to lose it's name and be called "St George and St Chad". This is in the name of political correctness. According to the report, Coun. Huxtable (Con. Bournville) supporting the name-stripping said, "The views of local people are quite clear. It wasn't done for political correctness". A miniscule number of people (50!) had signed a petition calling for the Gun Quarter to lose it's historic name.

Coun. Sir Albert Bore (Lab. Ladywood) opposing the change said, "What kind of nonsense is this when we replace the 'Gun Quarter' with 'St George and St Chad'?...the Gun Quarter has a historical connection with this city." Coun. Alan Rudge (Cons. Sutton Vesey) also opposes the name-stripping, "The manufacture of guns by thousands of traders is what created this area." The Post says that Coun. Huxtable remains unrepentant.

I am sure that many of you (undoubtedly a lot more than 50) will oppose this insulting move by Birmingham Council. Please feel free to write to them expressing your views. If anyone lives in Bourneville, perhaps you could help to remove the irritating Huxtable at the next local elections. Thanks for reading.