
Me and my lad are just starting out after turning 40 and 10 respectively. With birthday money burning holes in our respective pockets we've done the sensible thing and joined a local club before rushing to buy something. After going a few times and trying all sorts of guns it looks like we will go down the springer route first, although I can see us getting a PCP to share (Air Arms S200/S410 perhaps) at some point.

We are set on a HW30S for my boy and a HW97K for me.. Just need to choose a couple of scopes and gunslips etc. I am tempted by a tuned HW98 in our local gun store (love the feel and look of the stock) but an underlever appeals to me slightly more.

Some great advice on this forum so thanks for all the info I've picked up as a lurker!

Greg (& Henry)