I have posted a similar title on general air-guns but perhaps this is more appropriate. I have used my Weihrauch HW100KT a couple of times for FT and HFT, not competitively, and i have difficulty seating the gun at rest on the sitting shots, and when i have used my DaystateMK4 is s. i dont have the same problem, i have issues with my back and trying to drop my head down even a little hurts like owt.
I wouldn't like to spend lots on this brain-wave of mine, and i wouldn't want to do anything that cant be quickly taken off to revert back to standard. So does anyone have any ideas, or as someone made a simple device that will fit the bill? If a sponge strapped on with Velcro wouldn't look so bad i would do that.
i didn't get any replies as yet on general air-guns so hopefully some kind soul......