18th December 2011

The nearest postcode is BN41 2RF

Booking in will be from 0800 until 1145.
Session 1 will start at 0930 or as soon as 60 shooters have booked in.
Session 2 will start at 1230 (Assuming no major delays in session 1)

Bonus Bunny draw will be soon(ish) after the second session has finished.

This will be a 30 shot / 30 peg HFT course, built to the current UKAHFT specification.

Open to all sub 12ft/lb air rifle shooters, experienced or not. Any shooters new to HFT please let us know when you book in and you’ll be put with an experienced HFTer, who’ll help you.
Juniors must be accompanied by a responsible adult.

I look forward to seeing the old faces and hopefully some new ones there.
