Quote Originally Posted by hwtyger View Post
Dont think bank costs will exceed E5 as CZ is EU and within EU shared costs are obligated. (here anyway). Havent had issues yet.
Yeah prices are ridiculous from EB. Allthough, iirc, about 10yrs ago, I bought a Tau 200 from them, nw, for 350 pounds..
You may well be right about transfer costs for mainland Europe, but never forget that we poor souls live in Rip-off Britain!

When I bought the Alfa, HSBC quoted me £15 by phone for xfer, then in the branch wanted +/- £23 "because someone had overlooked the fact that the Czech Republic wasn't on some list of theirs. After making a fuss, they backed down to £15.

In 2006, EB quoted me a RRP of £320 to £340 for an Alfa but didn't have any stock!!!! From the factory, it cost me £165 including postage. It's the way to go.