I am hoping to find a rifle that I always fancied when I was younger (but never had the cash to buy one at the time) - an Original Model 50.

I have long admired the full length stock and the underlever action, and a previous experience with a tatty and broken .22 variant did nothing to deminish the desire to own a realy good .177 example.

I need the .177 version as I want to shoot bell target with it and already have a suitable Original diopter sight to fit it and just need to find a front tunnel sight (and a suitable Model 50) to get started and stop my pal John from having all of the Model 50 fun with his recently repaired example.

The Model 50 would have to have the sight fitting rail on it ( I think some of the early ones did not have this?) to fit my diopter sight , so if anyone has .177 example they would like to "move on" to a good home, please let me know.