Hi All

Given the state of my body and mind – affected by physical overload with an added dose of head cold and a slightly above average temperature – even before the shoot started yesterday, I hope you’ll excuse me for failing (for the first time, I think) to get these results posted on the afternoon of the comp. After a full 12 hours of sleep, I’m now feeling a tad more human.

Very strange weather for the shoot, which course we set out when the wind had been a steady 10-15kt north easterly for well over a week, ended up with almost no breeze at all for the initial couple of hours, increasing to a stiff little westerly as soon as I reached the open field lanes. Doh!! The change in light too – from bright sun on Saturday to low cloud and light rain – certainly had its effect. I’m sure that was why so many of you appeared to overrange many of the woodland targets.

Lots (13!) of new faces to SIHFT for Round 4 were welcomed, many of those either totally new to the sport or who had never shot in competition. Wherever it was possible, these were teamed up with some of the ‘old’ hands. This is great news and one of the series’ main objectives.

I’ll repeat my personal thanks to our two top scorers – Steve and John – for showing respect and both kindly failing to drop one lane. In John’s case, plating the 45 yarder in the field was believable as an error. Steve’s ‘error’ – dropping a shot on the doddle of a free stander (a 20 yard full kill) – was, however, quite clearly solely to keep me a happy man

And finally …… a note of thanks to the Swallows back-of-house team, who managed the food tent/barbeque, including a successful mad dash to recover the situation when the gas tank ran dry. This included Stuart, Eli’s mum and grandmother, and Tracy. My apologies if I’ve missed anyone.

Here are the full results – in the usual format – and with the usual request to PM me if you believe you spot any errors or omissions :

Name Club Class Score Hscore % Badge T(eam place)
Steve Light Horsham O 59 59 100.0% Gold T
John McDonald Buxted O 59 59 100.0% Gold T
Eric Bynum Horsham O 58 58 98.3% Gold T
Richard Chase Ford O 58 58 98.3% Gold T
Mark Coshall Iden Fern O 58 58 98.3% Gold T
Charles Coxsedge Oaks O 58 58 98.3% Gold T
Charles Peal Oaks O 58 58 98.3% Gold T
Chris Silcock Horsham O 58 58 98.3% Gold T
Rob Appleyard Oaks O 57 57 96.6% Gold T
Mike Burgess Swallows O 57 57 96.6% Gold T
Rob Hobson Iden Fern O 57 57 96.6% Gold T
Paul Hopper Ford O 57 57 96.6% Gold T
Bob Pattenden Oaks O 57 57 96.6% Gold T
Chris Roberts Oaks O 57 57 96.6% Gold T
Nigel Tostevin Oaks O 57 57 96.6% Gold
Jason Wells Buxted O 57 57 96.6% Gold T
Tony Archer Iden Fern O 56 56 94.9% Gold T
Nigel Buchan Buxted O 56 56 94.9% Gold T
Darren Cruttenden Iden Fern O 56 56 94.9% Gold T
Ben Davies Buxted O 56 56 94.9% Gold T
Mat Edwards Swallows O 56 56 94.9% Gold T
Pat Fitzgerald Ford R 56 56 94.9% Gold T
Mike Byford Oaks O 55 55 93.2% Gold
John Carliell Iden Fern O 55 55 93.2% Gold T
Colin Davidson Iden Fern O 55 55 93.2% Gold
Beth Hughes Swallows J 55 55 93.2% Gold T
Sam Robinson Buxted O 55 55 93.2% Gold
Peter Searle Horsham O 55 55 93.2% Gold T
Graeme Cargan Oaks O 54 54 91.5% Silver
Tim Clark Oaks O 54 54 91.5% Silver
Paul Dugood Horsham O 54 54 91.5% Silver T
Jon Fairman Oaks O 54 54 91.5% Silver
Alan Moss Swallows O 54 54 91.5% Silver T
James Sellwood Horsham O 54 54 91.5% Silver
Simon Williams Oaks O 54 54 91.5% Silver
Rob Barter Swallows O 53 53 89.8% Silver T
Rudy Goldslade Oaks J 53 53 89.8% Gold
Eddie Phillips Ford O 53 53 89.8% Silver T
Rob Simpson Ford O 53 53 89.8% Silver T
Chris Gent Oaks R 52 52 88.1% Gold
Doug Harper Visitor O 52 52 88.1% Silver
James Parnell Horsham J 52 52 88.1% Gold
Colin Renwick Ford O 52 52 88.1% Silver
Mitchell Skinner Iden Fern O 52 52 88.1% Silver
John Herbert Oaks O 51 51 86.4% Bronze
Josh Long Swallows J 51 51 86.4% Silver
Ryan Stennar Buxted P 51 55 86.4% Gold T
John Turnbull Buxted O 51 51 86.4% Bronze
Adam Stennar Buxted O 50 50 84.7% Bronze
Kim Lum Buxted R 49 49 83.1% Silver
Derek Watson Horsham O 49 49 83.1% Bronze
Keith Crawley Horsham O 48 48 81.4% Bronze
Steve Mecrow Horsham O 48 48 81.4% Bronze
Terry Aiken Oaks O 47 47 79.7% Bronze
Philip Jacobs Horsham R 47 47 79.7% Silver
Steb Martinez Ford O 46 46 78.0%
Simon Thompson Buxted O 46 46 78.0%
Kyle Wood Horsham O 46 46 78.0%
Tim Watson Swallows O 45 45 76.3%
Conrad Wells Buxted R 45 45 76.3% Bronze
Gerry Jelicoe Swallows O 44 44 74.6%
Eli McCullough Swallows R 44 44 74.6% Bronze
Jon Tickner Horsham O 43 43 72.9%
Liam Watson Swallows J 43 43 72.9% Bronze
Jeremy Follis Ford O 42 42 71.2%
Jon Kelly Buxted O 42 42 71.2%
Kathryn Follis Ford O 41 41 69.5%
Dave Skinner Iden Fern R 40 40 67.8%
Codie Thompson Buxted P 39 43 66.1% Bronze
Reece Pumfrey Swallows O 38 38 64.4%
Adrian Barter Swallows P 34 38 57.6%
Linda Morris Swallows R 28 28 47.5%
Daniel Long Swallows P DNF

Team Results (in descending order of points achieved in Round 4). With just 12 points between highest and lowest team totals today, I think that rates this round as the closest ever in SIHFT history.

Club Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Total
Oaks 261 265 248 287 1061
Horsham 250 242 267 284 1043
Buxted 250 247 260 283 1040
Iden Fern 250 240 141 282 913
Ford 240 255 256 277 1028
Swallows 219 221 143 275 858

Round 5 comes up in three weeks time – on Sunday 24th June – at Buxted. See y’all there.
