Hi All

Many thanks to the Hobbits for putting on a splendid, challenging course for SIHFT Round 5. Not a bad turn-out too, given the rather vile weather which, in reality, wasn’t quite as bad as some of the bleaker forecasts. Could have done without the extent and type of mud on the course; very slippy and sticky stuff, which took me a good half hour to scrape off my boots and trousers after I got home.

Thanks too to my shooting buddy for the day – young Charles. While I know he was disappointed with his result, there was no doubt summat not quite right with his gun. Perhaps that will teach us both to check everything on the zero range before we start

Only major down side of the day – which I’m certain will have been mentioned on the banter thread (I've not looked yet looked) was the missing food wagon

Here are the full results – in the usual format – and with the usual request to PM me if you believe you spot any errors or omissions :

Name Club Class Score Hscore % Badge T(eam)
Charles Peal Oaks O 58 58 100.0% Gold T
Colin Davidson Iden Fern O 57 57 98.3% Gold T
Bob Pattenden Oaks O 57 57 98.3% Gold T
Jason Wells Buxted O 57 57 98.3% Gold T
Tony Archer Iden Fern O 55 55 94.8% Gold T
Eric Bynum Horsham O 55 55 94.8% Gold T
Richard Chase Ford O 55 55 94.8% Gold T
Rob Simpson Ford O 55 55 94.8% Gold T
Paul Hopper Ford O 54 54 93.1% Gold T
Steve Light Horsham O 54 54 93.1% Gold T
Sam Robinson Buxted O 54 54 93.1% Gold T
Peter Searle Horsham O 54 54 93.1% Gold T
Adam Stennar Buxted O 54 54 93.1% Gold T
Darren Cruttenden Iden Fern O 53 53 91.4% Silver T
Steve Nailor Buxted O 53 53 91.4% Silver T
Chris Roberts Oaks O 53 53 91.4% Silver T
Chris Tyhurst Oaks O 53 53 91.4% Silver T
Colin Renwick Ford O 52 52 89.7% Silver T
Bruce Stevenson Iden Fern O 52 52 89.7% Silver T
Rob Appleyard Oaks O 51 51 87.9% Silver T
Paul Dugood Horsham O 51 51 87.9% Silver T
Chris Silcock Horsham O 51 51 87.9% Silver T
Andy Simpson Buxted O 51 51 87.9% Silver
Ben Davies Buxted O 50 50 86.2% Bronze
John McDonald Buxted O 50 50 86.2% Bronze
Derek Watson Horsham O 50 50 86.2% Bronze
Nigel Buchan Buxted O 49 49 84.5% Bronze
Mike Burgess Swallows O 49 49 84.5% Bronze T
Graeme Cargan Oaks O 49 49 84.5% Bronze
Mark Coshall Iden Fern O 49 49 84.5% Bronze T
Keith Crawley Horsham O 49 49 84.5% Bronze
Mick Foster Iden Fern O 49 49 84.5% Bronze
Ryan Stennar Buxted P 49 53 84.5% G T
Simon Williams Oaks O 49 49 84.5% Bronze
Jeremy Follis Ford O 48 48 82.8% Bronze T
Rudy Goldslade Oaks J 48 48 82.8% S
Spencer Hayward Oaks O 47 47 81.0% Bronze
John Turnbull Buxted O 47 47 81.0% Bronze
Gordon McPhail Horsham O 46 46 79.3% Bronze
John Carliell Iden Fern O 45 45 77.6%
Tim Clark Oaks O 45 45 77.6%
Philip Jacobs Horsham O 45 45 77.6%
Eddie Phillips Ford O 45 45 77.6%
James Sellwood Horsham O 45 45 77.6%
Jon Tickner Horsham O 45 45 77.6%
Steb Martinez Ford O 44 44 75.9%
Justin Roberts Ford O 44 44 75.9%
Charles Coxsedge Oaks O 43 43 74.1%
James Parnell Horsham J 43 43 74.1% Bronze
Damien Burke Oaks O 41 41 70.7%
Terry Aiken Oaks O 40 40 69.0%
Kyle Wood Horsham O 38 38 65.5%
Kathryn Follis Ford O 37 37 63.8%
Kim Lum Buxted R 36 36 62.1%
Conrad Wells Buxted R 36 36 62.1%
Rikki Ellis Visitor O No Card
Jon Fairman Oaks O DNF

In addition to the above, we had our first Platinum Badges of the 2012 series awarded today. Well done to Charles Peal and Paul Hopper. Several others are hot on your heals, currently with 4 Golds apiece – Eris Bynum, Richard Chase, Pat Fitzgerald, Steve Light, Bob Pattenden and Sam Robinson. Pressure’s on, chaps

NB – the score recorded for James Sellwood is subject to validation. The figure of 45 was given verbally by his shooting partner, but card not found. Where have you hidden it, James?

Team Results (in descending order of points achieved in Round 5). After a close result in Round 4, this week things were closer still. Excluding my own team (for which I was 'it' ), there were just 8 points between highest and lowest today.

Club Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Total
Oaks 261 265 248 287 272 1333
Buxted 250 247 260 283 271 1311
Horsham 250 242 267 284 265 1308
Iden Fern 250 240 183 282 266 1221
Ford 240 255 256 277 264 1292
Swallows 219 221 189 275 174 1078

NOTE that the scores recorded for both Iden Fern and Swallows FTC in Round 3 have been adjusted since last published. This was due to a failure of memory (mine) in how many scores can be drawn if there is a shortfall in available members. Quick rule check and the right answer is “up to 3”. Both clubs (who had just one member present) therefore had a 3rd random card drawn.

Round 6 comes up in a couple of weeks time - on Sunday 8th July at The Oaks. See y’all there.
