MTC Genesis
First impressions of this scope were positive. Seeing the Genesis for the first time I was not disappointed. The finish on the scope body was of good quality and the scopes overall appearance was a big improvement over the Mamba, Viper and Taipan. It looked very much sleeker and classier than the others.

The perfectly fitting butler creek flip up covers supplied with the scope is a very nice bonus. After fitting the scope in a pair of 30mm rings to my Anshutz .22LR I set about zeroing it. Achieving a rough zero at 20 yds then moving back to 60 allowed me to crank up the mag and sample some of scope's resolution. Factoring in that the scope is £350 new I was impressed with the clarity and sharpness. Not at the level of my Sightron SIII's but at well under half the price it's not fair to compare it directly. The turrets when exposed by removing the covers were easy to reset via 3 grub screws, when backed out allowed the turret rotate freely to be aligned at the zero point (allen key is provided).
Dialling the turrets I found them positive, easy to read and they gave me the feeling of a quality above that of the other MTC scopes I have used (Mamba, Viper and Taipan). The turret cover caps were good to replace when out hunting in order to prevent knocking them accidentally.

The AMD reticle I find very useful although personally I am more of an SCB fan (the windage hold off points on the elevation I prefer but it's a personal thing).
I really liked the fact that only the centre if the reticle illuminated on the AMD ret and found that intensity 3 was about perfect for lamp work with and without the red filter. The centre ret illumination allows less light pollution to interfere with the image and is just enough to perfectly illuminate the aim point. Above level 3 I found it caused very slight bleaching of the light and thickening the cross hair where you run the risk of obscuring the quarry slightly or losing perception of it but this tends to happen on all illuminated reticles hence why we have adjustable brightness levels to suit individual preference.

I did some target shooting at 60 yards and was very confident of my zero so I decided to do some wood pigeon shooting on the stubblewith it to christen this new scope. Winding it down to 6x mag opened up the FOV but the fine ret still allowed precise aiming. After 25 mins of driving on the barley stubble shooting from my Hilux window I had 12 wood pigeon in the back. The fairly dense selection of aim points is always a big plus when using .22LR and air rifles as it allows you to be precise at longer ranges beyond your zero. With this reticle I was never holding in 'mid air' there was enough to fix my POA at all times even on 6x. This is sometimes a gripe I have with less aim points a lower mag that it's often a guess when holding over between large aim point gaps.

The next test for the Genesis was a rabbit cull on the moors using under the lamp. It did not let me down nor did it disappoint. I used 5x mag and tested it under various lights and intensities. As previously stated I found level 3 illumination just right and it enhanced my ability to locate my POA quickly. Shooting between 30 and 85 yards was no problem even with minimum light. After 5 hours I had 70 rabbits in the truck and headed back to my caravan to prep them ready for the game dealer. At the end of the session I reflected on the scope. IMO this scope is excellent value for money with its sleek look, quality turrets, useful reticle and with a glass quality punching above its price range.

IMO here's what you get for that £350:

A brand new sleek looking 5-20x mag scope
Good turrets
Good glass
Very useful reticle with illumination
Side focus
BC flip ups
Good customer service

Factor that in and I really think these scopes are worth a look if £350 is your budget for a new scope.

If you have any further Q's feel free to contact me at