Another top day at tondu, even the rain held off bar a few sopts.

No 1 son had a bash at easy Ft and was doing ok, but i think i need to to llok at moving the line a meter or two forward so all targets can be shot prone.
Thats a job for wednesday?

Nice to see a new face in Allen pop along and hopefully we will see him again in the coming weeks, time allowing. Also nice to see Keith make the trip from carmarthen once again, 5 years is too long.
Think he was impressed with the eway the club has moved on over the last couple of years.

Took Acid hands- Gadget round the Gp course.
May have to swap the 37m reducer to the 30m Tree target and switch kneeling lanes.

Other than that, with a good amount of wind, well average for tondu, we had another go at the course.

Gadget struggled in the wind missing 11 of the 20.
I missed 1 which just shows how Awesome the Rig is and how Awesime am I lol

Thats two good sessions this week, rig all working, just hope the same form is there tomorrow when it counts in the comp lol