Hi all

On a facebook gun group, a chap was asking for ideas on price for a HW35export, thoughts were offered by various people and he put it on for sale..

No one bit! (I would have but varying circumstances recently left me a tad financially embarassed!)

I noticed yesterday that he's dropped the price to £100 He was only 20mins away from me too

There was no scope with the gun but included was a nice woven leather sling and an 80's vinyl slip!!

Anyhow, i'm now the happy owner of a beautiful HW35e in fantastic condition and have added a scope that the very nice member on here, Den (BASA) gave me as a freebie for my other HW35e that i'm still restoring!!


Pic 1

Pic 2

Pic 3

Pic 4

Pic 5

The action is superbly deep black but with a very few specs which have been removed with 0000 grade wire wool soaked in 3 in 1 oil

Stock has some splash stains of something or other that is coming off with polishing!! also one deep whack on the edge of the cheekpiece, for a ton I can live with it

Cheers, John..

PS, I had recently been thinking again of selling all my guns as the wife wouldn't know what to do with them if anything happened to me, then I go and buy another

Cheers, John...