Please can someone give me a some direction and reasons if possible on suitable Air Pistols for our needs?
Our 8 year old daughter is doing Pony Club Triathlon and requires an air pistol. She shoots at 7 metres at the moment. We have kindly been lent a Beeman P17, but its a little big/heavy for her, (although with more practice holding bags of sugar out at arms length, the weight issue may diminish!)
She can shoot using both hands for a few years too.
I have had several makes and models reccomended to us, and she's tried some at pony club, but they are so big for her tiny hands! I was advised by a gun shop, (and I see its reviewed well) to get a Steyr LP2 compact, but at that price, I was hoping to find something a bit cheaper.
Is there a perfect option anybody?
or does someone wish to sell a Steyr as we cant nip up to Scotland to try one!
We're in Lincolnshire.