...how DO they happen? Ever wondered how a flame can escape around a ball that took a deal of effort to seat in the tight chamber, slicing off a little ring of lead in the process and, more often than not, sealed in even more behind a glop of grease?

It doesn't.

It all happens from the back end, as you'll see in this www.muzzleloadingforum.com graphic night-time photograph of what REALLY comes back out of the nipple on firing.


Add the combination of loose-fitting caps and worn nipples, and VWALLA!

I have to admit that I've never seen in happen in well over forty years of BP handgunning, but then I ensure that everything on MY guns is good and tight, and most people over here don't shoot
their BP revolvers enough to wear them out the way that some do over there.

However, it's always a good idea to check out any prospective purchase of a second-hand percussion revolver - just in case. A new set of nipples never hurt.
