Looking at the newly acquired (thanks Al) CF20 I've been setting up for my son today...

Done a basic tune on it, got rid of the twang, bit of weight in the piston, shoots pretty nicely at 10 FP with a weak spring (really easy to cock), but around 1" groups at 30 yards. I'd put this down to pop up breach alignment, until today, when I was removing the ugly plastic lump that protects the crown...

...the bore was smooth... no rifling marks/crown at all.... Hmmm...

Then I looked more closely... the barrel actually was rifled, up to about the last 10mm, which was then smoothbore Dowhat ? What were they smoking when they decided that would be a good idea ! I'm not talking a larger counterbore like on a BSA springer - this was actually the bore of the barrel. Within about 3 minutes of discovering it, the offending piece of barrel was on my garage floor, and I was filing square and doing a "brass roundhead screw in a drill with polishing paste" recrown job on the end of the rifled bit...

Results - groups now down to around 1/2" at the same range

But seriously, what were they thinking

PS As a bonus, the protruding section of muzzle was just the perfect size for threading 1/2" UNF, so I did; screwed on a neat little ally muzzle finisher to protect my new crown