Picked up one of these cheap just to own a gas ram again, since I sadly had to let my Evo go during an expensive divorce! I wasn't expecting much and when I first picked it up with its plastic stock and plastic coated barrel, my expectations were going downhill. It's looks are bordering on the ridiculous, not a good start! I took it straight to my club, ready to have the pee taken out of me. With a cheapy scope mounted, I cocked for the first time. Nice solid breech, obviously smooth to cock, loaded a h&n Ftt power, copper coated pellet, took aim 2nd stage release was clean with no creep and a quiet thud. The built in moderator clearly doing its job. After several shots, I was zeroed in at 25 yards. After a few more I was hitting spinners at 49 yards with ease, actually too easy!! 11.6fpe with 8fps extreme spread over 10 shots. Weight of a meteor, price of a night out! The recoil is more than manageable, great balance, so easy to use.
Downsides are many....its a gamo for one. I don't expect anyone to rush out and buy one, but if you get chance of one at the right price give it a go you WILL be surprised.
Going shooting tomorrow and with 17 others to choose from it's already out ready to go because it's so user friendly, like a pair of rigger boots at the back door.