Hi all

My mate John (Blackrider) Bought a southpaw mod 300s, The timber was extremely dark so I offered to refinish it a bit lighter for him!

When i'd removed all the varnish/stain it was very very white, The walmut stain I had was rather grey!(Years old!!) Anyhow, John had some but when I applied it, It was as dark as the the original stuff so I had to remove some of it, Trying to get rid of the blotchyness whilst trying to keep a nice mid walnut colour was the very devil!!

I used his grain sealer too as i'd ran out (It had set in the bottle!! ) It only needed six or seven rubs of Welsh Willy's Tung based oil for a nice finish...

Some pics, Not sure if it's better or not!


Pic 1

Pic 2

Pic 3

Pic 4

The grain was pretty non existent but after I rubbed the stain back, It left some in the pores of the wood which gave a nice effect, Not sure if the camera has picked it up though!!

After the treatment

Pic 1

Pic 2

Pic 3

Pic 4

Pic 5

Pic 6

Cheers, John