Okay, today was the day when we were to visit the Consultant Oncologist.

Now, one of the things that Frankie has hated through this whole ordeal was having bloods taken.

So, we got there and the first thing the reception said was that they had to "put a line in". Now, even I freaked inside a little thinking they were meaning that they were just to proceed with some Chemotherapy, even though the consultant hadn't seen us yet. But they just meant bloods, which Sarah understood.

She said there's no way they were touching her, she was having no needles, no more tests, she'd had enough and she wanted them all to go away and do nothing. When she went into the room, she was screaming and kicking off big time and told us and the nurses to go "f--- off"!

We had to hold her arms down whilst trying to calm her and it was all over and done with in a matter of minutes.

After a short wait the consultant called us in. Emotions were all over the place. The "cautiously optimistic" side of me (cheers, Pete) said we'd be okay. The other side not so positive.

Anyways......she's okay. As I posted the other day, it was a germ cell tumour. A Dysgerminoma. And a nasty bastard malignant one. But, after all the tests, scans, blood tests and doing tests on the twatting lump itself, they're confident that they have got it all. Fluids around the tumour all clear.

So, it looks like we're okay. They're going to test and monitor her frequently to make sure all is good and none of this evil twattery returns. Some of the blood tests show too high protein and something not quite right with the anti-immune system marker. These may resolve now that the bastard lump has gone. If not, they may have to look at these as separate issues.

So, first review and further bloods in two weeks' time and we go from there. For now, this tiny little 38.4kg of skin and bone needs to put some weight on and build her strength back up. She's eating fine, so I'm sure this will happen.

Such a relief. A massive, massive relief. Although you can't help but feel so sorry for a few of the poor toddlers we saw in there undergoing their Chemotherapy treatment. Poor little things. And I so hope and pray for them and their poor families.

Thank you for all your kind messages, folks. I'm sure that all the positive vibes helped in this happy outcome.

Love ya all.

And beaming ever best wishes at Jamie and the girls.