I like different. It's not always good, in fact the reason it's not common can often be that it's a bit pants! But it is, and always will be, different!

I have been trawling the more obscure air gun outlets around the world looking for something unusual. I have found various air pistols with amazing power levels, outlandish looks and obscene prices. These have now been ditched in favour of a little rifle that caught my eye. It's small, single shot and precharged. Available in calibres up to .45 and powers up to 170 ft/lb!

Discretion being the better part of valour, I have opted for 12 ft/lb and .22

I can find few reviews, and all of these, not suprisingly, are from the stateside. I would be very interested if any members on here have one.

Oh, yeah, the gun is an Evanix Rex.