2014 Commonwealth Games shooting was very well presented to visitors with gamesmakers, expalier on the full bore ranges and an exciting atmosphere indoors. I do not know how much coverage it was given on television. The main problem was that it was held in a location on the other side of Scotland from Glasgow and this isolated the shooting atheletes and audiences from the rest of the Games. Possibly a deliberate move by the Scottish Governent.

It is being debated whether theere will be shooting if the Games come to Birmingham. A shooting venue has not been listed in the newspaper but then the newspapers often get things wrong or omit things. India, Malysia, Australia and some Caribean islands like their shooting and I cannot see them being amenable to shooting being droppes from the 2022 Games.

Venue? Kingsbury would be the most local choice and could have infrastructure put in place just like Carnoustie did.

ISSF continue to be the main obstacle to the development of the shooting sports. They oppose Field Target disciplines, they oppose practical disciplines and they have watered down moving target disciplines. Practical disciplines would attract vast audiences but the ISSF oppose including them in Games.

The public are not hostile to shooting sports. A noisy minority give that impression but the truth is most people are not opposed to target shooting and most of them would like to have a go at the sport. Presented in the right way, TV audiences could be healthy but the ISSF are an obstacle.