As I toy with the notion of buying a springer to mainly shoot at targets up to 25 metres standing unsupported,I think I am closing in on a short list of candidates.
The question of calibre may not be so relevant but I am keeping an open mind on .177 or .22.
At the distances I will be shooting it's not likeley to be a major factor,ease of loading and cocking will be more relevant (as discussed in a previous recent thread)and I will look at that more when I hopefully pick a final rifle.
Essentially,it comes down to weight and balance;the need for steadiness whilst standing.
All of the springers are heavy.My FX Typhoon weighs in at just under 4 kgs scoped.
My "usual suspects" are:
AA TX200 hc walnut 3.8 kg
AA Pro Sport walnut 4.1 kg
Weihrauch HW97K beech 4.0 kg.
I really thought the TX200 would do it but I tried all 3 yesterday for fit and the TX was maybe a little too wobbly on aim - not much but there for me.
The Prosport and HW97 were similar in that they held steadier for me ,at least on that day:too close to call.
This time though the PRosport seemed a bigger,chunkier rifle compared to the HW.
Given some people have expressed reservations about the Prosport cocking lever and a difference of about £150 in price,I am being drawn now to the dark side of Weihrauch,notwithstanding QC concerns expressed on several forums.
Damn.I did want to buy British but now I'm not so sure.Still,the jury's still out- I still have to sell a couple of things first.
The hunt continues.