Quote Originally Posted by Mole trapper View Post
So, I'm going to say by law your neighbour should have been left with a report sheet of what he has had done in the loft by the council bod.
Just a quick update ...

The Council guy has left a report.

He's not put traps down. He's put down poison in next doors loft. Difenacoum and Brodifacoum.

I spoke to a local pro controller who said that he knew the council would have done that. He said that he wouldn't have put poison down as he would want a corpse to remove. So he would have used traps. He actually asked if there's a tree in the garden as well as the Ivy. I said that there is a large Ash tree. He said it wouldn't surprise him if it was a squirrel rather than a rat. I said the Council guy said he's see rat droppings. He said on many occasions he's followed the Council and found squirrels and not rats when they've said it is rats.

The local pro guy said it's best if I do nowt for now and see if the Council sort it. He did say that if the poison kills it and it dies inside the property then there will be a smell for about 5 weeks. He also warned to check the gardens every morning before letting the dogs out. The Council left a report and on that report there is an Emergency Action card to give to hospitals or vets. Basically says to treat with Vitamin K1, as that's the antidote.